Testimonial Guidelines

Outline for Personal Testimonials about the Trades

Thank you for offering to do a testimonial for Desk Free Nation! We believe that one of the ways to alter perceptions about these great careers is by sharing the compelling stories of those who are in them. 

Below are some suggestions on how to craft your testimonial. These are only guidelines. Don’t feel you have to include everything and feel free to add other items you think are important.

All Testimonials should include:

  • Your first name (no last names necessary)
  • The part of the country you are in (ie: your city or state is good)
  • Your personal story about the trades

For businesses and individuals who are concerned about the shortage:

  1. State who you are and how you are connected to the industry.
    • Might include work experience, what do you do?
    • Personal experience of entering the industry
    • Family connections
  2. Share your experience with trades shortage.
    • How does it impact you? 
    • Does it affect your business?
    • What sort of effort do you expand on it?
  3. State why you are involved with Desk Free Nation
    • What resonates with you about the work we are doing?
    • How do you think we will make a difference?
  4. State how others can be involved.
    • Promote the trades
    • Encourage family and friends to get into the trades
    • Give to Desk Free Nation

For individuals who work in the trades and want to share what a wonderful career it is:

  1. State who you are and how you are connected to the industry.
    • Might include work experience, what do you do?
    • Personal experience of entering the industry
    • Family connections
  2. Share what makes the trades a great career for you!
    • The flexible hours?
    • The money?
    • The people you meet?
    • Working with your hands?
  3. A statement of why you think others should get involved in the trades.